Joining Our Trust

At Cherry Tree Academy Trust, we are dedicated to building strong partnerships with schools, service providers, and communities to ensure the best possible education for all children. Our ethos, built around the principle of "together, stronger," is at the heart of everything we do, underpinned by our values of learning, living, and laughing.

The two academies currently within our Trust work closely together, sharing expertise, supporting each other, and fostering an exceptional educational environment for our children and families.

We believe in taking control of our own future, ensuring that our academies are deeply connected to and reflective of the communities they serve. By negotiating shared contracts and resources, we maximise the impact of the funding available to us, establishing strong foundations for sustainable growth.

As we look to expand and welcome new schools into our Trust, we have carefully developed what we believe to be a comprehensive and supportive offer for schools joining the Cherry Tree Academy Trust, ensuring they have the resources, guidance, and opportunities to thrive.


  • We are committed to providing the very best for every child and hold each academy accountable for delivering high-quality learning and teaching.
  • We expect all teams to collaborate closely, ensuring that their academies reflect the needs and aspirations of the communities they serve.
  • We also encourage all our academies to work together, creating exciting and engaging learning opportunities that inspire and motivate children.

Leadership & Governance

  • The Trust is dedicated to supporting, collaborating with, and challenging all academies to identify key priorities for ongoing and accelerated growth.
  • A peer support system will be in place across academies, allowing them to act as critical friends to one another, sharing insights and expertise.
  • All leadership teams are expected to work together to push the boundaries of excellence in education, drawing on each other’s strengths to achieve this goal.
  • Existing governing bodies will transition into Local Advisory Boards, reporting directly to the Board of Trustees. While they will retain responsibility and autonomy, their roles will be defined through ongoing negotiation and collaboration with the Trust Board.


  • All staff members across each academy will be employed by Cherry Tree Academy Trust.
  • TUPE arrangements are managed in consultation with professional bodies to ensure smooth transitions.
  • The Trust values the autonomy of each academy while holding them accountable for maintaining high standards and progress.
  • As the employer, we expect staff to use their skills to benefit children across the Trust. As such, there may be occasions where staff are asked to work in other academies to support collaborative efforts and share expertise.


  • We expect all academies within our Trust to manage their own funding. However, an agreed portion of funding will be held by the Trust to cover functions, services, and support. This approach allows the Trust to generate savings that benefit all academies, while also ensuring ongoing reinvestment into the education of the children across the Trust.


The Trust is responsible for ensuring all academies meet statutory compliance requirements.


We welcome inquiries from schools considering conversion to academy status. While the final decision is made at a regional level, we encourage you to start the conversation with us.