

A very warm welcome to the Junior section of our website!

We are delighted to offer you a glimpse into the vibrant and welcoming environment of our academy. We hope your visit provides an insight into the exciting, happy atmosphere that makes our school special.

If you would like to arrange a visit or require further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are always happy to assist.

If there is any information on this website that you would like a printed copy of, please contact the academy office. You can reach us in person, by phone, email, or post.

Telephone: 01760 337 346

Post: Hillside, Marham, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE33 9JJ

If you are a parent or carer of a child attending the academy and would like a paper copy of any information provided on this website, we will be happy to provide it free of charge.

To view our school calender this academic year, please follow the below link:


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