About Us

Cherry Tree Academy Marham Infant is often described as a ‘happy school with a nice feel’, and we are proud to be nestled in the heart of the families’ service accommodation in Upper Marham. Our academy is home to children from both the local area and beyond, with some even traveling from as far as Cambridgeshire.

While many of our children come from a service background, we also have a diverse group of children from non-service families. One of the unique aspects of our academy is the high number of children who join and leave throughout the year. We understand the challenges this can present and ensure that our policies and practices support both the children and their families, whether they stay with us for their entire infant schooling or join us mid-year.

Our aim is to ensure that every child enjoys their primary education, creating lasting memories and developing a lifelong love of learning.

Learning, Living, Laughing – these are the values that guide us every day. "A fun, varied and current curriculum, making the most of the outdoors when possible.  Friendly and approachable staff who know the children well."

Learning – Our core focus is to provide an outstanding education for all of our children. We are committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that our education remains up-to-date with the latest developments and that we consistently assess our practices against national standards. "The Academy always puts the need of the child first. Ensuring that the relevant support is place, with the direct aim for them learning and meeting their full potential in a happy and supportive environment. Always striving and working towards any changes that they may be able to facilitate to help the educational journey of the children within the school."

Living – We believe that the best learning happens when it is applied to real-life situations. We strive to make learning relevant and meaningful, using every opportunity to connect classroom knowledge to the world outside. "The inclusion of practical learning and the outdoor experience the children are provided with is fantastic. Learning a subject and then seeing aspects of this learning put into practice is fantastic."

Laughing – A day without laughter isn’t a day well spent. We want our children to enjoy their childhood, and we believe that joy is a key part of both learning and living. A positive, fun environment enhances everything we do. "I think it's a fun environment for children and engages well with the children. Their pastoral team is especially fantastic, something that not many schools offer "

We would be delighted to welcome you to our academy for a short visit to see us in action. Please contact the office to arrange an appointment with the Executive Leader by calling 01760 337217 or emailing infantoffice@cherrytreeacademy.norfolk.sch.uk.

For the academic year 2024-2025, we will be offering seven classes to accommodate the needs of our children. We strive to be as flexible as possible in organising our classes to best support each child's learning journey. 


**quotes taken from a parent survey - Feb 2025

Our Leadership Team


Joanne Hornsby

Executive Leader and AO

Gemma Steward

Executive Vice Lead and SENDCO

Elaine Knight 

Cheif Financial Officer



2024 - 2025



Butterfly Class 

Mrs Bramham

Firefly Class

Mrs Symonds

Caterpillar Class

Miss Allen

Ladybird Class

Mrs Smith

Bee Class

Mrs Davies

Dragonfly Class

Mr Grass

Beetle Class

Miss Holliday