The last year of Primary School is always exciting. Children in Year Six each have a responsibility within the academy. They also have an opportunity to apply to become a member of the Principal's Council.
During this year children continue to build on their skills and knowledge and prepare themselves for the move to High School. Children during this year are expected to become 'secondary ready'. We work closely with our Key Stage Three colleagues to ensure that we do everything possible for a smooth transfer so that the children can confidently make the successful move into Key Stage Three.
Expectations of a commitment to learning, excellent behaviour, good self-organisation and age-appropriate independence are all key skills the children continue to learn this year. Homework offers the opportunity to demonstrate self-study whilst organising PE Kits and not forgetting equipment for lessons all contribute towards ensuring your child is secondary ready.
Click here to read about our learning this year
Our Enhanced Curriculum
We contiue to enhance and extend our Curriculum through learning and being outside. FAB Fridays will see all children engaged in lessons outside that build on the skill they have learnt during the week. They apply their learning to real life, making the very most of our wonderful environment and supportive community. Similarly, we extend the children's unerstanding of the world around them through Life Skills and learning how to use Makaton to sign. Your Teaching Team will let you know what is being taught, and when, though regular updates.
The busy and exciting year of learning also means that children take part in a national testing system, SATs. These tests are undertaken in May each year. Your child will be fully prepared for them so that they approach them with confidence. You will kept informed of how your child is progressing throughout the year with additional information events to help you support your child. The children are assessed by their teachers and by the range of national tests.
The government have issued Teacher Assessment Frameworks so that teachers can confidently assess (and provide evidence for) where each child is placed against national expectations. We ensure our assessments are in line with the national expectations by moderating children's work within the academy, across the cluster of schools we work with and further afield. We are also moderated by the Local Authority.
Click here to learn about the end of year expectations for Year Six in Reading, Writing and Maths
The last year of Primary School is always exciting. Children in Year Six each have a responsibility within the academy. They also have an opportunity to apply to become a member of the Principal's Council.
During this year children continue to build on their skills and knowledge and prepare themselves for the move to High School. Children during this year are expected to become 'secondary ready'. We work closely with our Key Stage Three colleagues to ensure that we do everything possible for a smooth transfer so that the children can confidently make the successful move into Key Stage Three.
Expectations of a commitment to learning, excellent behaviour, good self-organisation and age-appropriate independence are all key skills the children continue to learn this year. Homework offers the opportunity to demonstrate self-study whilst organising PE Kits and not forgetting equipment for lessons all contribute towards ensuring your child is secondary ready.
Click here to read about our learning this year
Our Enhanced Curriculum
We contiue to enhance and extend our Curriculum through learning and being outside. FAB Fridays will see all children engaged in lessons outside that build on the skill they have learnt during the week. They apply their learning to real life, making the very most of our wonderful environment and supportive community. Similarly, we extend the children's unerstanding of the world around them through Life Skills and learning how to use Makaton to sign. Your Teaching Team will let you know what is being taught, and when, though regular updates.
The busy and exciting year of learning also means that children take part in a national testing system, SATs. These tests are undertaken in May each year. Your child will be fully prepared for them so that they approach them with confidence. You will kept informed of how your child is progressing throughout the year with additional information events to help you support your child. The children are assessed by their teachers and by the range of national tests.
The government have issued Teacher Assessment Frameworks so that teachers can confidently assess (and provide evidence for) where each child is placed against national expectations. We ensure our assessments are in line with the national expectations by moderating children's work within the academy, across the cluster of schools we work with and further afield. We are also moderated by the Local Authority.
Click here to learn about the end of year expectations for Year Six in Reading, Writing and Maths
The last year of Primary School is always exciting. Children in Year Six each have a responsibility within the academy. They also have an opportunity to apply to become a member of the Principal's Council.
During this year children continue to build on their skills and knowledge and prepare themselves for the move to High School. Children during this year are expected to become 'secondary ready'. We work closely with our Key Stage Three colleagues to ensure that we do everything possible for a smooth transfer so that the children can confidently make the successful move into Key Stage Three.
Expectations of a commitment to learning, excellent behaviour, good self-organisation and age-appropriate independence are all key skills the children continue to learn this year. Homework offers the opportunity to demonstrate self-study whilst organising PE Kits and not forgetting equipment for lessons all contribute towards ensuring your child is secondary ready.
Click here to read about our learning this year
Our Enhanced Curriculum
We contiue to enhance and extend our Curriculum through learning and being outside. FAB Fridays will see all children engaged in lessons outside that build on the skill they have learnt during the week. They apply their learning to real life, making the very most of our wonderful environment and supportive community. Similarly, we extend the children's unerstanding of the world around them through Life Skills and learning how to use Makaton to sign. Your Teaching Team will let you know what is being taught, and when, though regular updates.
The busy and exciting year of learning also means that children take part in a national testing system, SATs. These tests are undertaken in May each year. Your child will be fully prepared for them so that they approach them with confidence. You will kept informed of how your child is progressing throughout the year with additional information events to help you support your child. The children are assessed by their teachers and by the range of national tests.
The government have issued Teacher Assessment Frameworks so that teachers can confidently assess (and provide evidence for) where each child is placed against national expectations. We ensure our assessments are in line with the national expectations by moderating children's work within the academy, across the cluster of schools we work with and further afield. We are also moderated by the Local Authority.
Click here to learn about the end of year expectations for Year Six in Reading, Writing and Maths