Learning in Year Two

Year Two is a very exciting year here at the academy. Children are encouraged to become even more independent in preparation for their move into Key Stage Two. During the year, the children are offered the chance to join in large local and national events and a one night residential trip. Learning in the classroom continues to be linked to learning outside in the environment.

Click here to view the skills and content of the Year Two Curriculum

Our Enhanced Curriculum 

We want the children to thoroughly enjoy each age and stage of their childhood. We enhance and extend our Curriculum through learning and being outside. FAB Fridays will see all children engaged in lessons outside that build on the skills they have learnt during the week. They apply their learning to real life, making the very most of our wonderful environment and supportive community. Similarly, we extend the children's understanding of the world around them through Life Skills and learning how to use Makaton to sign. Your Teaching Team will let you know what is being taught and when through regular updates. 

The academic year 2023 saw the end of the Year Two Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). We will continue to use the National Expectations for the end of Year Two so that staff continue make judgements of how the children compare to national expectations for this year group. We work with colleagues locally to ensure that our judgements are in line with other professionals.

Class Teachers discuss with families their child's progress towards the end of year expectations and report their assessment of each child's ability at the end of the academic year. 

In June, children who did not meet the expected standard in the Year One Phonics Test will re-take the test. 

Throughout their time with us, the children will have spent time at the Junior Academy and will be familiar with the layout, children and staff. We ensure that the children are prepared for their transfer to the Junior Academy (and any other school they might be moving to) with targeted support and transition programmes at the end of the year.  

Click here to view the end of year expectations for Year Two Reading, Writing and Maths

200 High Frequency words to read and spell

Learning in Year Two

Year Two is a very exciting year here at the academy. Children are encouraged to become even more independent in preparation for their move into Key Stage Two. During the year, the children are offered the chance to join in large local and national events and a one night residential trip. Learning in the classroom continues to be linked to learning outside in the environment.

Click here to view the skills and content of the Year Two Curriculum

Our Enhanced Curriculum 

We want the children to thoroughly enjoy each age and stage of their childhood. We enhance and extend our Curriculum through learning and being outside. FAB Fridays will see all children engaged in lessons outside that build on the skills they have learnt during the week. They apply their learning to real life, making the very most of our wonderful environment and supportive community. Similarly, we extend the children's understanding of the world around them through Life Skills and learning how to use Makaton to sign. Your Teaching Team will let you know what is being taught and when through regular updates. 

The academic year 2023 saw the end of the Year Two Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). We will continue to use the National Expectations for the end of Year Two so that staff continue make judgements of how the children compare to national expectations for this year group. We work with colleagues locally to ensure that our judgements are in line with other professionals.

Class Teachers discuss with families their child's progress towards the end of year expectations and report their assessment of each child's ability at the end of the academic year. 

In June, children who did not meet the expected standard in the Year One Phonics Test will re-take the test. 

Throughout their time with us, the children will have spent time at the Junior Academy and will be familiar with the layout, children and staff. We ensure that the children are prepared for their transfer to the Junior Academy (and any other school they might be moving to) with targeted support and transition programmes at the end of the year.  

Click here to view the end of year expectations for Year Two Reading, Writing and Maths

200 High Frequency words to read and spell